Monday, November 14, 2011

What amp settings can I use to make my guitar sound like Attack Attack's and Devil wears Prada's guitars?

I have a Line 6 amp, and i need to know what settings I can use to recreate the sound of Attack Attack, or the Devil Wears Prada.|||well...i cant really answer that straight up but i can say this. I play sorta like that and i have my "crunch" or distortion at around 6/bass at around 7 or 8/mid at around 5 or 6 and and highs at around 5 but thats just because my amp gets pretty high pitched if not tweaked right so i gotto play around with it (i have a peavey 6505+). it all obviously depends on how your amp/dist. pedal sounds i dont know enough to know how your amp sounds but if youre gonna play shows with it remember venues mic your stuff so when your trying to tweak your sound dont stant over your amp. get in level with the can hear what your sound REALLY sounds like. bacause sometimes i think my settings are amazing and then i get on speaker level and my distortion is too high and i've got a really high pitch so its pretty much up to you dawg. also tdwp and AA have these crazy squeals haha i love em but a lot of guitars are only able to get those REALLY good when your pick up switch is either all the way down or all the way up. if youre in the middle (like i am epiphone sg400 w/EMG's) try lowering the volume on your neck pick up (that's the one that gives you the lows) any way hope this helps dude good luck.

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