Monday, November 14, 2011

If I buy a replica Prada bag and wallet from iOffer, can customs confiscate it?

I was looking on iOffer the other night, and I saw a gorgeous replica Prada purse and matching wallet. I'd really like to get them, but they're coming from China and a friend told me I should be concerned about customs. Could my order technically be confiscated by US customs? Could I get in any legal trouble if they see I'm buying a "knockoff" and having it shipped to my house? I don't want to have a lawsuit on my hands, or risk losing money.|||Yes, that is possible..|||It is a possibility. You never know when customs will randomly pick a box. It could be yours. If your package is confiscated, US Customs or the FBI may ask you information on the supplier where you purchased it from. Counterfeiting is serious stuff. They don't take things lightly (as suggested by the posts above).|||Two comments... do run the risk of getting your bag confiscated by customs. You may be at relatively low risk but you should still be prepared.

Another option may be to look at Designer Resale/Consignment shops online. I've purchased from and for my wife in the past. In most cases, I'm getting brand new items at 1/2 of the original cost (or better).

Good luck!|||Don't worry, most case you'll get in trouble only if they see you selling it. If you only buy one bag and they're shipping it from china, don't worry about it. Now if you get it from china and try to sell it you'll most likely get a warning. I got a few warning on ebay. when i used to sell peoples stuff and I found out that a lot of people was giving me fake stuff to sell. thats when I stopped. |||I dont think so.

I mean unless you have a bomb or something inside it, it should be fine.

|||No, i don't think they would waste their time checking if it's real prada

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