Pictures of little critical details could earn you best answer :]|||鈥?/a>
Thats a great guide to help you!|||I have designer bags from LV, Gucci, Burberry, Chanel, Prada etc. Anyway, the point is when I bought those bags they came with authentication card. An authentication card will tell you if your bag is a real designer bag or not. The authentication card has the serial number written on it. Without it, then it's not authentic. If you bought it in a reputable store like Neiman's, Saks, Bergdorf or Barney's NY, then you shouldn't have any problems.
For a Prada Purse, it has to come with an authentication card, and also a dust bag. Look inside the bag and check if it says made in Italy. The leather should feel like a real leather. Check the logo too, if it says Prado then it is fake. This is not a joke. I am telling you when you walk on the sidewalk of Manhattan. You will see a lot of Prada bags that says " Prado"
Most bags that are Italian are supposed to be made in Italy like for example Gucci and Prada. If it says made in China then you are in for a surprise. I hope that I was able to help. Good luck!!!|||Um, look where you bought it!! Or you can ask the assitstant that is by you or something. But the real ones I know is at the Actualy store that like 100 Dollers Oooh! You can tell if like the price is 100 or 60 dollers And if its on sale its prob like 60-70 dollers! But, Its worth it|||Feel the inside. If it does not feel like thick, real leather, or if the outside is leather but the inside is not, then it's fake. Also if there is a metal latch on it, it should not be hallowed out, but completely filled in with no gaps.|||A lot of designers do not have their own factories - they contract out work and a LOT of times those factories make more items than they were contracted to make. Those items are sold to other companies or jobbers who then sell the "counterfeit" goods.
So... there are times it just isn't easy... however... sadly, if its sold through China, made in China or purchased from China... odds are... it might possibly be a counterfeit.
Best way to tell if its a Prada is where you got it. I only buy my Pradas at Prada (or their outlet store). Saks, Bergdorf/Neimans and the like are a safe bet. Harry's discount shop with a super sale on Prada purses for $50.00... well... houston, we have a problem.|||ok u go in a prada store, buy a REAL one, and all your problems are solved......|||should of asked before you got it.
LOL.|||hey can u plz put a picture or i cant tell|||look at the tag....i mean where did u get it?
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